Miss Lou's Art Class

It is so important that as teachers
 we share our ideas and resources
 for the benefit of all our children!

As any teacher knows, it takes a great deal of time, planning and research, to design these visual art lessons.  So, if you borrow or use my art lessons, please reference accordingly and link back to Elle and Lou. Thanks for respecting my intellectual property :)

"Balance, Line and Form"
Paper Sphere Sculptures
***coming soon***


  1. I love these dragonfly swarm artwork...very inspiring. Could you let me know a little bit about the process?

  2. Thanks Gabriela,
    The students certainly loved doing the works and the Librarians love it displayed in their library and are reluctant to give it back.
    If you go to my link you will find a worksheet I created. You collage onto the spare wings, cut them out and glue them on to the dragonfly image. bend the top wings up a little. Finally cut them out and arrange them on foam coir board and simply glue them down.
    The instructions are also on the worksheet but here is the link:


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Thank you for your taking the time.